Zeed Pantry - Shop Middle Eastern Spice
Spices and flavors vary widely throughout the world. Mexico is known for its variety of peppers, Japan for its ginger, sesame seeds, and wasabi, and Morocco for its distinctive use of cinnamon, cumin, and paprika. Middle Eastern cuisine also has its own distinct spice profile. It is essential to note the variety of Middle Eastern cuisine found in this region, largely due to the 17 distinct nations and 3.5 million square miles of the region. As diverse as the people who live in each region are the foods that grow there and are popular there. The Most Common Spices and Herbs Used in Middle Eastern Cuisine Middle Eastern cuisine is well-liked around the world. The food is usually tasty, filling, and easy on the stomach. The most significant influences on traditional Middle Eastern cuisine come from North Africa and Arabia. It’s possible that many Westerners have never heard of some delicious dishes that date back centuries. As a result, trying new foods is an adventure in and of it...